OF Fu-Chung Alumni Association in DC Area
(FCAADC) 大華府師大附中校友會 |
I - Name and Objectives |
1.1 |
The name of this organization
shall be Affiliated Senior High School of the National Taiwan Normal
University Alumni Association in the Washington-Baltimore Area, and, in
short, Fu-Chung Alumni Association in DC Area, or FCAADC. |
1.2 |
Objectives |
a. |
To promote understanding and to
enhance cooperation among members through social contacts. |
b. |
To facilitate the interaction
between the Fu-Chung alumni and current students and to provide assistance to
current students through scholarship, study grant and other means. |
1.3 |
The Association shall be a
non-political and non-profit making organization. |
II - Membership |
2.1 |
All alumni and staff of the Fu-Chung
shall be eligible for membership in the Association. |
2.2 |
A member who paid annual dues in
full shall be eligible to vote and to be elected to the office. |
III - Control and Amendments |
3.1 |
Basic control of the Association
resides with the voting members whose rights and obligations are defined in
this Constitution. This control is
manifested through the election of the Directors, and through the approval or
disapproval of proposed amendments to this Constitution. |
3.2 |
The Board or any ten (10) voting
members may submit an amendment or amendments to this Constitution. The amendments shall be valid to all
intents and purposes as part of this Constitution when ratified by two-thirds
(2/3) of the voting members of the Associations. |
IV - Board of Directors |
4.1 |
Organization |
a. |
Determination of policy and
overall direction of the affairs of the Association shall be the
responsibility of the Board of Directors, the number of which shall be seven
(7). |
b. |
All the Directors shall be elected
directly by the members and shall have equal authority and responsibility in
meetings of the Board. |
4.2 |
Tenure |
a. |
Four (4) Directors shall be
elected to serve a two-year term and three Directors to serve a one-year term
for the first Board. |
b. |
All Directors elected thereafter
for the succeeding Boards shall serve a two-year term. |
c. |
All Directors shall be limited to
serve one two-year term. One may be re-elected after an intermission. |
d. |
The Board may recommend a special
election to elect a successor to fill the vacancy of a Director for the
unexpired terms. |
4.3 |
Duties |
a. |
The President shall be the chief
executive officer of the Association and shall preside
all meetings. |
b. |
The Vice-President shall assist
the President, and shall perform all duties of the President in the latter's
absence or inability to act. |
c. |
The Secretary shall be responsible
for drafting and keeping a complete record of all minutes, proceedings,
correspondence, news release, notice or communications. |
d. |
The Treasurer shall be responsible
for the finance of the Association; and he shall annually submit a written
report of the treasury to the Association. |
e. |
The Activity Director shall be
responsible for the planning and coordination of all the social activities. |
f. |
The Membership Director shall be
responsible for maintaining and publication of a directory of the members in
good standing. |
g. |
The Communication Director shall
be responsible for arranging all internal and external communications. |
V-Due and Remuneration |
5.1 |
The amount of annual dues shall be
decided by the Board of Directors. |
5.2 |
The Directors shall serve without
pay. |
VI-Meetings & Social Activities |
6.1 |
The Board shall plan and organize
all meetings and social activities. |
6.2 |
There shall be at least one
plenary meeting of the Association every year. The President shall make an annual report
to the member on the state of the Association. The Treasurer shall make an annual financial
report of the Association. |
VII-Dissolution |
7.1 |
When there are no activities for
two year, this organization will be dissolved by member's votes. |
7.2 |
Upon dissolution of the
organization, all the organization assets will be donated to the scholarship
and study grant of current Fu-Chung Students. |